Analyzing Personality Patterns Seminar

Within the framework of the Basic Sciences Department of the Faculty of Engineering's keenness on raising the cultural awareness of its students, the Faculty organized a cultural awareness seminar entitled “Analyzing Personality Patterns and how to deal with them”. The seminar was presented by Eng. Aiten Zamil, a certified trainer at Dr. Ibrahim El-Feki’s Canadian... Continue Reading

“Lost Treasure” competition of the Basic Sciences Department

Within the framework of its keenness on motivating its students, developing the spirit of participation, teamwork, intimacy and interdependence among the new students, the Basic Sciences Department, Faculty of Engineering organized the “Lost Treasure” competition on Monday April 18, 2022. The competition was sponsored by the Student Activities Department, and organized by Dr. Heidi Mahmoud... Continue Reading

Architecture Department’s Sports Day

Architecture Department’s Sports Day Under the supervision of the Activities Department, the Architecture Department of the Faculty of Engineering, organized a sports day for the department students. The day included two football tournaments, as well as Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, and many other recreational games. Further, many faculty members participated with their students in this... Continue Reading

Electrical Engineering Department Scientific Competition

The Electrical Engineering Department organized a scientific competition under the auspices of the Student Activities Department, and the supervision and presence of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdul Rahman, Academic Advisor of the Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. Gamal Mahmoud, department’s student activities / media coordinator, Eman Abu Al-Khair Bakr, teaching assistant, head of student activities committee /... Continue Reading

Architectural Engineering Department Visit Al Forsan International Schools

As part of preparing students for the labor market, a field visit was organized for students of the second semester, Architectural Engineering Department within the course EB 144 Architectural drawing (2) for Al Forsan International Schools. The school's managing director received the visit, during which the students were introduced to the basic elements that must... Continue Reading

Climate Conference

A high-level delegation from Pharos University participated in the "Future of Alexandria and Climate Challenges" conference held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, which was co-sponsored by Pharos University. The delegation included Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mohy El-Din, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Prof. Nourhan Fanaky, Vice-President for Education and Student Affairs,... Continue Reading

Petrochemicals Engineering Department Organizes a FIFA Party

Under the auspices of the Student Activities Department, the Petrochemical Engineering Department organized a PlayStation tournament to entertain students. The tournament was honored with the presence of Dr. Fathy Shokry, Head of Student Activities, Faculty of Engineering, Eng. Dina Mohamed Sobhy, Head of Department’s Student Activities, and Eng. Karim Youssef Nabat, Assistant Lecturer, Department of... Continue Reading

Electrical Engineering Department visits Sidi Kerir Power Plant

The Electrical Engineering Department organized a scientific trip through visiting Sidi Kerir Power Plant of the West Delta Electricity Production Company (WDEPC). The visit was under the auspices of the Student Activities Department, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman, Academic Supervisor of the Electrical Engineering Department, and in the presence of... Continue Reading