Submit paper
Paper Submission :
The Organizing committee welcomes Authors and appreciate their interest in presenting a research paper in 1st (ICET) 2017
- Authors should submit their registration as speakers
- Once an abstract is submitted, it will be sent to the Academic Review Committee to go through the revision process basing on criteria for accepting abstracts
- After receiving Abstract Acceptance notification. Authors are invited to complete submission their full paper, which in turn will be sent to the Academic Review Committee to go through the revision process basing on criteria for accepting full paper
After Submitting your abstract and full paper according to the conference, templates please send them to the conference email and within the due dates.
Journal Publication:
Presented research papers of the conference will be published on international or national Scientific journals, which the organizing committee had deal with.
This based on the following criteria;
- Academic Review Committee Evaluation
- If the research papers meets the journal Submission Guidelines
- Authors Desires
Journals names :
- International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Fayoum university – Egypt
- International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism – Lincoln University College – Malaysia
There are another international Journals that will be announced later