No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 UGE 01 English language (1) 2 2 2 4
2 HGPC-101 Physical Chemistry 3 2 2 4
3 HGPH-101 Physics 3 2 2 4
4 HGAN-101 Human Anatomy 3 2 2 4
5 HGCS-101 Communication skills  (1) 1 1 1
6 HGCP-101 Computer Skills and Programming concepts (1) 2 1 2 3
Total 14
No. Course Code Course Title Cr.H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 UGE 02 English language (2) 2 UGE 01 2 2 4
2 HGBP-102 Biomedical Physics 3 HGPH-101 2 2 4
3 HGCP-102 Computer Skills and Programming concepts (2) 2 HGCP-101 1 2 3
4 HGMT-102 Medical Terminology (1) 1 1 1
5 HGBM-102 Basic Microbiology 3 2 2 4
6 UGA 03 Arabic Language Skills 2 2 2
7 HGHR-102 Human Rights 1 1 1
Total 14
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HGPS-201 Physiology 3 2 2 4
2 HLHE-201 Hematology (1) 3 2 2   4
3 HLHP-201 Histology & Pathology 3 2 2   3
4 UGE 03 English language (3) 2 UGE 02 2 2 4
5 HLOC-201 Organic Chemistry 3 2 2   4
6 Elective (1) 2 2   2
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HLGB-202 Biochemistry 4 HLOC-201 2 4   6
2 HLAC-202 Analytical Chemistry 3 2 2   4
3 HLMG-202 Laboratory Management 3 2 2 4
4 HLIM-202 Basic Immunology 3 2 2   4
5 Elective (2) 2 2   2
Total 15
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HLIS-301 Laboratory Immunology and Serology 4 HLIM-202 2 4   6
2 HLMI-301 Medical Laboratory Instrumentation (1) 3 2 2   4
3 HLPR-301 Basic and Laboratory Parasitology 4 2 4   6
4 HLCC-301 Clinical Chemistry (1) 3 HLGB-202 2 2   4
5 Elective (3) 2 2   2
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr.H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HLLM-302 Laboratory  Microbiology 4 HGBM-102 2 4   6
4 HLMI-302 Medical Laboratory Instrumentation (2) 3 HLMI-301 2 2   4
3 HLHE-302 Hematology (2) 4 HLHE-201 2 4   6
4 HGCS-302 Communication Skills (2) 1 HGCS-101 1 1
5 HLHC-302 Histopathology and Cytology 4 HLHP-201 2 4   6
6 Elective (4) 2 2   2
Total 18
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HLBB-401 Blood Banking 3 HLIM-202 2 2   4
2 HLSI-401 Laboratory Safety and Infection Control 3 2 2   4
3 HLMB-401 Molecular Biology 4 2 4   6
4 HLGP-401 Graduation  Project  (1) 2 0 4   4
5 HGBS-401 Biostatistics 1 1 1
6 HGST-401 Scientific Thinking & Research Methods 1 HGCS-101 1   1
7 HLQC-401 Laboratory Quality Control and Assurance 3 2 2 4
Total 17
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HLBF-402 Body fluids and urine analysis 3 2 2   4
2 HLFT-402 Forensic Chemistry & Toxicology 3 2 2   4
3 HLVM-402 Virology and Mycology 3 HGBM-102 2 2   4
4 HLGP-402 Graduation  Project  (2) 4 HLGP-401 0 8   8
5 HGME-402 Ethics and Legal Issues in Health Practice 1 1 1
6 HLCC-402 Clinical Chemistry (2) 3 HLCC-301 2 2   4
Total 17

Total Credit Hours = 127

Elective Courses (8 Credit Hours required)
For Medical Laboratory Technology program

No Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1.       HVEH-01 Environmental Health 2 2 2
2.       HVEN-01 Entrepreneurs 2 1 2 3
3.       HVQS-01 Laboratory Quality Systems & Standards 2 1 2 3
4.       HVHE-01 Health Education 2 2 2
5.       HVEP-01 Epidemiology 2 2 2
6.       HVSP-01 Patient Safety 2 2 2
7.       HVLI-01 Critical Care Laboratory Investigations 2 2 2
8.       HVFA-01 First Aid for health care providers 2 2 2
9.       HVPM-01 Principles of Marketing 2 2 2
10.    HVHC-01 Health coaching 2 2 2
11.    HVPS-01 Psychology 2 2 2
12.      HVAM-01 Auto-analytical  laboratory machine 2 2 2

English Language (1)

This course aims to consolidate the English language skills the students acquired
during their primary and secondary education. The course focuses on honing the students’ Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening abilities. These objectives are realized by providing the students with a curriculum that is commensurate with the scientific studies they have chosen to pursue. The curriculum is taught by qualified and experienced lecturers and/or instructors supported by texts, access to computers, and a library, all delivered in state-of-the-art facilities, and a first class learning environment.

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Physical Chemistry

The course includes the periodic table of elements, basic bonding, and atomic structure, stoichiometry of chemical reactions, the gaseous state, solutions, condensed phases and phase transitions, and heat and enthalpy of reactions. As well as equilibrium, acids and bases, spontaneous change and equilibrium, electrochemistry and redox reactions, chemical kinetics, fundamental particles, complex bonding, spectroscopy, and descriptive topics in inorganic chemistry.

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This course includes metric system and measurement, properties of electricity, magnetism, and their properties. Volume and temperature relationships will be studied. The students will learn properties of light, sound and heat and how they are transmitted in air and matters. Mechanics and functions of laser, ultrasound, atomic, molecular and nuclear physics will be discussed.

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Human Anatomy

The course introduces the student to the structure of body systems, namely integumentary, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory systems, nervous, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive systems. Anatomy of the eye, ear and nose is also included.

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Communication Skills (1)

In his course the student will learn the definition of effective communication and its importance, and to recognize the elements of the communication models and its barriers and filters. Also, the course deals with the effective communication skills listening, speaking, questioning, writing, and reading. The course reviews the persuading theories which are related to the communication and advertising skills and to demonstrate how to prepare effective presentations in front of the target audience and how to deal with him.

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Computer Skills and Programming Concepts (1)

The course tends to provide Year 1 students with a brief introduction to the world of computers including: numbering systems and digital data representation, computer system architecture, storage and input/output systems, Operating systems and Utility Systems, software applications, problem solving techniques and their applications using Flow Charts.

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English language (2)

This course aims to consolidate the English language skills the students acquired during their freshmen tertiary education. The course focuses on perfecting the skills acquired during their English 101 studies. These objectives are realized by providing the students with a curriculum that is commensurate with the scientific studies they have chosen to pursue. And again, the curriculum is taught by qualified and experienced lecturers and/or instructors supported by texts, access to computers, and a library, all delivered in state-of-the-art facilities, and a first-class learning environment.

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Biomedical Physics

This course covers the application of concepts and methods in Physics to the solution of problems in Biology and health. The student will study the physics principles of mechanics, fluids, electricity, thermodynamics, acoustics and optics and their applications in health and life sciences including safety precautions when dealing with these physical phenomena. This course will be valuable to health sciences students to allow for future introduction of new programs.

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Computer Skills and Programming concepts (2)

This course tends to introduce the students to the concepts and terminologies of spreadsheet, database, database management systems, and the concept of hypertext markup language (HTML). It practices some computer applications in the laboratory such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and HTML. It gives students a practical experience on developing projects related to their specialty.

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Medical Terminology

This course will focus on the many components of a medical terms and how to break down a medical term by simply knowing the meaning of the prefix or suffix. Teach the individual parts of medical words; help the students to memorize complex medical terms and their definitions.

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Basic Microbiology

This course deals with general microbiology: bacteriology, virology and mycology. The course describes the structure, classification and growth of the microorganisms of medical importance and demonstrates the physical and chemical methods used to control growth of microorganisms. Practical sessions, also, include preparation of stains, all culture media and reagents for various microbiological tests.

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Arabic Language Skills

يعنى المقرر بمهارات اللغة العربية الأساسية و الضرورية لاستخدام اللغة وسيلة للتواصل و التوظيف داخل مجالات التخصص المختلفة ، مع التركيز على المهارات التنظيمية و الفكرية و الأسلوبية و اللغوية اللازمة في استعمال اللغة وظيفيًا ، و بخاصة ما تعرض منها لأخطاء شائعة في استخدامها ، و يحتاج إلى تصويب من مستخدم اللغة.

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Human Rights

فى هذا المقرر يدرس الطالب الحقوق المدنية التى يكفلها الدستور و القانون للإنسان و كيفية حمايتها و صيانتها من الدولة بما يضمن الحياة الكريمة للإنسان.

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The course includes introduction to physiology, the functions of cell, homeostasis, water and acid-base balance, blood, nervous system, circulation, respiration, kidney, digestive system, and endocrine glands.

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