Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
P211 Drawing (1) 1 4 5 3
P213 Painting (1) 1 4 5 3
P221 Artistic Design (1) 1 4 5 3
P215 Free Perspective Drawing 1 4 5 3
Faculty Elective Requirement 1 2 3 2
UGE02 English Language (2) UGE 01 2 2 2
Total 7 18 15 16
Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
P212 Drawing (2) P211 1 4 5 3
P214 Painting (2) P213 1 4 5 3
P222 Artistic Design (2) P221 1 4 5 3
P216 Digital Arts 1 4 5 3
Faculty Elective Requirement 1 2 3 2
AD231 Color Theory 1 2 3 2
UGE03 English Language (3) UGE 02 2 2 2
Total 8 20 28 18
Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
P311 Drawing (3) P212 1 4 5 3
P312 Painting (3) P214 1 4 5 3
P321 2 D Design F114 1 4 5 3
P361 Printing Techniques (1) 1 4 5 3
P363 Painting Technology 2 2 2
P364 Artistic Anatomy F118 2 2 2
Faculty Elective Requirement 1 2 3 2
Total 9 18 27 18
Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
P313 Drawing and cloning P311 1 4 5 3
P314 Principles of  Mural Painting P312 1 4 5 3
P322 3 D Design P321 1 4 5 3
P362 Printing Techniques (2) P361 1 4 5 3
P365 Digital Photography 2 2 2
P366 Digital Media Technology 2 2 2
Faculty Elective Requirement 1 2 3 2
Total 9 18 27 18

Painting Department in Drawing and Painting

Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
DP411 Drawing (4) P311 1 4 5 3
DP412 Painting (4) P312 1 4 5 3
DP 421 Graphic Design (1) 2 4 6 4
DP 413 Landscape (1) 1 4 5 3
DP 471 Designing using Arabic Calligraphy 2 2 4 3
DP461 Technology of Painting P362 2 2 2
Specialization Elective Requirements 1 2 3 2
Total 10 20 30 20
Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
DP415 Cloning P313 1 4 5 3
DP462 Digital Photography(1) 1 4 5 3
DP422 Graphic Design (2) DP421 2 4 6 4
DP414 Landscape (2) DP413 1 4 5 3
DP465 Technology of Artificial Plastics 2 2 4 3
DP441 History of Artistic Art F142 2 2 2
Specialization Elective Requirements 1 2 3 2
Total 10 20 30 20
Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
DP561 Digital Photography(2) DP462 1 4 5 3
DP531 Museum Studies 1 4 5 3
DP532 Specialized Studies in Painting DP 412 1 4 5 3
DP562 Painting Restoration DP465 1 4 5 3
DP581 Graduation Project Research DP414 2 2 4 3
DP541 Contemporary Art History DP441 2 2 2
Free course 2
UCS 02 Communication Skills (2) UCS 01 2 2 1
Total 10 18 28 20
Code No. Course Title Prerequisite weekly hours
lecture Tutorial Actual Hours Credit hours
DP582 Graduation Project DP581 18 18 9
DP563 Science of Museums 2 2 2
DP533 Artistic Analysis 2 2 2
Free course 2
Total 4 18 22 15

Specialization Elective Requirements

Specialization Elective Requirements
MD462 Material Specification 2 4
MD417 Porcelain Formation 2
DP431 Aesthetics 2
DP432 Environmental Studies 2