September 2023 webinar


Wednesday 13th September, 2023 at 02:00 PM – Egypt Time (+3 GMT)

Presented by Jackson Kamugisha

Language growth is greatly geared by a lot of factors.  The learner’s richness in language vocabulary determines the level of competence and fluency in using a particular language. Anderson and Freebody (1981, 1985) have indicated that a large vocabulary is positively related to such notable abilities as general intelligence, reading ability, reading comprehension, and school success. While word-making or vocabulary development are typically thought of as exploding around the age of 2 years, significant verbal development occurs throughout a child’s and adolescent’s academic life. According to Nagy and Herman (1987), children from the age of 7 through the age of 16 typically learn 3000 words per year. Schmitt’s taxonomy (1997) is a comprehensive inventory of vocabulary learning strategies. He divides the strategies into two groups: the ones to determine the meaning of new words when learners encounter them the first time, and the ones to consolidate meaning when learners encounter words aga

in. This study will speculate and suggest the best strategies or activities which will foster development of vocabularies to English language learners.

Nature-based Learning in ELT: Practical Example and Benefit of Teaching about Nonhuman Animals and Plants

Sunday 17th September, 2023 at 10:30 AM – Egypt Time (+3 GMT)

Presented by Jepri Ali Saiful

Teaching about and in nature is important as it could benefit students’ English proficiency and environmental awareness. This webinar will provide an example of teaching about nature and in nature, especially related to nonhuman animals and plants, in an English writing course. The talk will also revolve around the benefit of this nature-based teaching for students’ language learning and empathy for nonhumans. Participants who join this webinar will see the best practice of Eco-ELT in a writing course, and hence they could do more Eco-ELT practices in their respective classes. The more English teachers implement Eco-ELT, the clearer will be the roles of the ELT field in addressing environmental problems to save our planetary ecosystem.