Construction Engineering and Management

سلوك الوصلات المعرضه لعزوم انحناء والمدعمه بالواح تدعيم ذات ابعاد هندسيه مختلفه
behavior of end plate steel connections stiffened with stiffeners of different geometrical dimensions
Copy Num. :1
Author: Yosra Magdy Mohamed Ahmed
Pub. Date: 2012
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
تطوير نظام باستخدام تكامل نماذج معلومات المباتى الخاصه عمليات الشدات المنزلقه
building information modeling integrated framework for assesment of slipform operation
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mohamed Ali Abd El Hakim Ali
Pub. Date: 2015
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Subject: PHD
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
تدعيم الكمرات الخرسانيه المسلحه المعرضه لقوة قص وعزوم لى باستخدام البوليمرات المسلحه بالالياف الكربونيه .
Strengthening of r c beamas subjected to shear and torsion using cfrp
Copy Num. :1
Author: Momen Moharram El Hassanien
Pub. Date: 2016
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
تحديد معامل تعديل رد فعل القوه الزلزليه لحوائط القص الخرسانيه المترابطه
determination of seismic forse reduction factor for coupled concrete shear wails
Copy Num. :1
Author: Shimaa Shaban Mohamed
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
توقع انتاجيه محطات الخلط الخرسانيه باستخدام نماذج البرمجه الرياضيه
predicting batch plant productivity using linear programming models
Copy Num. :1
Author: Ahmed Hamouda Abdeen
Pub. Date: 2019
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
اداره المشروعات الرشيقه فى تحسين صناعه التشييد فى مصر
agile project management in enhancing the construction industry in egypt
Copy Num. :1
Author: Sara Ahmed Nassef Mohamed
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 624.1
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management

Construction Engineering and Management

اداء المركبات الاسمنتيه الهندسيه
performance of engineering cementitious composites
Copy Num. :1
Author: Abdelrhman Belal Ali Nouh
Pub. Date: 2022
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
تقويه الكمرات الخرسانيه المسلحه فى القص باستخدام نظام هجين من المركبات الاسمنتيه ذات التصلب الانفعالى والواح الحديد
shear strengthening of RC beams using hybrid system of SHCC/steel plates
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mohamed Khaled Mohamed Abozaid
Pub. Date: 2022
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
سلوك الاعمده الخرسانيه المسلحه باستخدام اشكال مختلفه من الكانات
behavior of RC columns with different tie configurations
Copy Num. :1
Author: Momen Moharram El Hassanin Ali
Pub. Date: 2022
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Subject: PHD
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
سلوك القص للكمرات الخرسانيه المسلحه باستخدام انماط مختلفه من شرائح الحديد الداخليه
shear behaviour of RC beams reinforced with different configurations of internal steel plates
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mohammed Abdelrahman Abuelwafa
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management
optimum design of reinforced concrete continuous beams system using genetic algorithms
التصميم الامثل للكمرات المستمره من الخرسانه المسلحه باستخدام الخوارزميات الجينيه
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mennah Ahmed Mokhtar Tarabia
Pub. Date: 2023
Class.Num.: 624
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4B
Department: Construction Engineering And Management