Date: Saturday-27/4/2024

مكان الاقامة:قاعة مؤتمرات – جامعة فاروس

اسماء الحضور:

مهندس/ علاء رجب

رئيس مجلس أمناء جامعة فاروس

أ.د. محمود محيي الدين

رئيس جامعة فاروس

أ.د/ ماجد الغزولي

عميد الكلية

أ.د. رشا شعلان

وكيل الكلية للدراسات العليا و البحوث

السادة اعضاء هيئة التدريس, الهيئة المعاونة و جميع المشاركين بالمؤتمر


It is a great pleasure to welcome Ass. Prof. Radwa Ewaisha, PhD as a keynote speaker at the 4th PUA International Conference Perspectives in Pharmaceutical Sciences, “Digitalization and Sustainability”(ICPPS-2024). Ass. Prof. Radwa Ewaisha is an Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University. She obtained her BPharm and master’s in microbiology and immunology at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandra University.  She did her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Arizona State University, where she worked at the Virginia G. Piper Biodesign Center for Personalized Diagnostics. She then became a clinical chemistry post-doctoral fellow at the Mayo Clinic.  Dr. Ewaisha’s research is focused on studying how the immune system can be harnessed to develop novel diagnostics and therapeutics. The title of her talk is “Revolutionizing Immunology through AI: A Pathway to Deeper Understanding and Novel Therapeutics”.