Rethinking Marginality: Inclusion and Ableism

The Third International Conference of the Faculty of Languages and Translation in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the University of New Mexico, USA

The Faculty of Languages and Translation at Pharos University, in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the University of New Mexico, USA organized a conference on the 1st and 2nd of March, 2024, under the title of “Rethinking Marginality: Inclusion and Ableism”, where a distinct group of university scholars and researchers from all over the world came together to present their research papers. This conference represents a continuation of exerted efforts from the three involved universities to encourage academic research and creativity in the field of humanities, particularly languages and their related fields of study such as literature, linguistics, and translation studies.

The conference seven keynote speakers were from Trinity College, Dublin, University of New Mexico, The Free University of Brussels and Egypt. Presentations were given by researchers from Egypt, the US, Euro-Asia and the Arab region in various axes related to the topic of marginality and ableism over the period of two days. The conference concluded with recommendations of further research on the topic, and offers from various universities to conduct mutual agreements with the Faculty of Languages and Translation at Pharos University in the near future.