The Construction Engineering and Management Department of PUA’s Faculty of Engineering has recently paid a field visit to the Eastern Water Purification Plant in Alexandria. Established in 1860, this facility stands as one of the oldest stations managed by the Water Company, boasting a capacity of 510,000 cubic meters per day. Accredited with ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015, and OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications, it underscores a commitment to stringent quality and safety standards.

During the visit, students were afforded a comprehensive understanding of the various stages involved in the purification of drinking water. From the initial intake to the conduits, filtration retention basins, all the way to disinfection processes, participants gained insight into the intricate operations ensuring the delivery of safe water to consumers. Additionally, students had the opportunity to tour the facility’s laboratory, witnessing firsthand the chemical and biological tests executed to guarantee water safety.

Reflecting on the experience, students lauded the invaluable educational opportunity provided by the visit, which bridged theoretical knowledge with practical application, thereby enhancing their understanding of their course.