PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology’s exerts tremendous efforts to obtain program accreditation from the National Authority for Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation (NAEQAA). Accordingly, the Community Service and Environmental Development Committee organized the first meeting with the community parties representing the Faculty’s various academic programs. The meeting included the Deputy Director of the Madina Women’s Hospital, radiologists of Al-Qabbari Hospital and Alexandria University Student Hospital (AUSH), parents and the Creativity Center. In addition to representatives from AU’s therapeutic units, AU’s Faculty of Medicine, and Egypt Makes Electronics (EME) Initiative.

The coordinator of the Community Service and Environmental Development Committee gave a presentation on the role of relevant community parties towards the Faculty that seeking program accreditation. The role of community parties is considered extremely important in achieving this goal by participating in the self-evaluation process. The Faculty, however, must seek to actively involve these parties in all stages of the process of obtaining program accreditation. This is done by participating in focus groups to discuss the pros and cons of academic programs.

In addition to providing the testimonials and experiences of such parties as evidence of the quality of academic programs through questionnaires. At the end of the meeting, questionnaires were collected by community parties and the floor was opened for discussion, questions, and helpful suggestions for Faculty programs were presented, and dates were set for periodic meetings.