“Recycle It,” Competition and Exhibition

The Department of Critical Care and Anesthesia Technology at PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology recently initiated a competition and exhibition titled “Recycle It,” in collaboration with the Green Pharos Committee and the Eco-Friendly University initiative. This event, held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and Chairman of the Green Pharos Committee, along with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology, and Prof. Dr. Hamdy Al-Wakil, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, aimed to promote environmentally sustainable practices.

The “Recycle It” exhibition showcased innovative examples of repurposed everyday objects, with participation from both faculty members and students. A diverse range of recycled models were presented, highlighting creative approaches to recycling. A panel of judges evaluated all submissions and selected six winners – three from the faculty category and three from the student category. The winning recycled models were announced and honored at the conclusion of the competition, acknowledging their contribution to promoting sustainability within the university community.