PUA hosts Ibrahim Fayek

Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) recently hosted the renowned sports TV presenter, Ibrahim Fayek, who led a seminar focusing on the pivotal role of sports media in navigating the delicate balance between professionalism and fanaticism. Mr. Fayek was welcomed by numerous key figures from PUA’s administration, Board of Trustees, deans, and faculty members.
The seminar, addressing topics of significant importance, drew a considerable student turnout across PUA’s various faculties, who were highly motivated to engage in its heated discussions. Mr. Fayek adeptly moderated the dialogue with the students with utmost integrity and simplicity, while expressing his deep admiration for their insightful inquiries and heightened awareness of sporting events and issues.
In turn, the students articulated their appreciation for the enriching experience provided by the seminar’s engaging topics and the equitable manner in which the dialogue was moderated devoid of any traces of fanaticism or bias.