As part of its celebration of the Scientific Day of the Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice Department, PUA’s Faculty of Pharmacy invited all department heads, faculty members, and teaching assistants to attend the department’s Scientific Day. During the celebration, several topics were tackled in different fields. For example, Pharm. Rajia Mohamed Awad, Chief Clinical Pharmacist at Nile of Hope Hospital for Children, raised an interesting topic about some rare conditions that occur in newborns and how to treat them.

In addition, T. A. Hadir Ahmed Al-Sayed and T. A. Ziad Esmat Bishara, presented an overview of the topics of their master’s theses, and what they have reached in their researches. Further, the event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology at Pharos University, along with numerous faculty members and teaching assistants from the Faculty of Pharmacy. By the end of the event, all attendees exchanged in-depth discussions on the topics raised, and expressed their great admiration for the amount of new and interesting information they acquired.