Three graduate students from Media Arts department won three awards from Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival for its 37th session – 2021

Under the supervision of Ass. Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mahdi and the specialized experts delegated for teaching during the academic year 2020-2021, three graduated students from Media Arts Department won three awards in the Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival for its 37th session - 2021. The student Omar Hesham won the Animation Film prize for his film... Continue Reading

Painting department students decorating the interior space of the Human Resources Development Center in Alexandria with artistic works

Under the supervision of Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design and Prof. Dr. Nermin Gomaa, the director of the Human Resources Development Center welcomed the students of Painting Department to decorate the interior spaces of the center by designing different artistic works as oil paintings and mosaic panels, which was within the requirements... Continue Reading

اعلان هام-دورة تربية عسكرية ( استثنائية ديسمبر 2021)

اعلان هااااااااام دورة تربية عسكرية ( استثنائية ديسمبر 2021) الدورة ستعقد ONLINE  على BLACK BOARD   في الفترة من 11/12/2021 حتى 23/12/ 2021 يحضرها جميع طلاب الجامعة ماعدا الطلاب الملتحقين بالجامعة فى العام الجامعى 2021/2022 اخر موعد لحجز الدورة 1/12/2021 طريقة التسجيل و السداد: التوجه الى مكتب D030 الخاص بالتربية العسكرية  بكلية اللغات والترجمة لاستخراج... Continue Reading

قرار هام

اعضاء ومعاوني اعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلاب جامعة فاروس تعطيل الدراسة غدا الاحد الموافق ٢١ نوفمبر ٢٠٢١ لسوء الاحوال الجوية على ان تستمر الدراسة اون لاين حسب الجداول الموضوعة سابقا بكل كلية Continue Reading

Delegate visit from Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Egypt holding practical session in Peruvian Cuisine

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Pharos University in Alexandria, hosted a delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Egypt, represented Mr. Jorge Yacoub "The cultural and Public relations attaché in the embassy. Chef Micaela Alejandrina "Professional Chef in Peruvian Cuisine". Within the framework of this international cultural event, which included... Continue Reading