A Field Visit to Sidi Krir Thermal Power Plant

The Mechanical Engineering Department at PUA’s Faculty of Engineering is dedicated to enhancing students’ practical skills and connecting academic study with the demands of the labor market. Under the patronage of the Dean and the Department Head, the senior students specializing in Mechanical Power Program visited Sidi Krir Thermal Power Plant. This visit was an integral part of the Thermal Power Plants Operation and Management course and Control and Safety of Thermal Systems course.

Upon arrival, the students were welcomed by Eng. Ahmed Ali Arif, Director General of Technical Affairs and Equipment Performance Monitoring. The visit commenced with an introductory session where students were briefed on the Plant’s various departments and its megawatt production capacity. Following the introduction, the students were divided into groups to tour the different units and equipment of the Plant.

During the tour, students engaged in hands-on assignments, asked questions pertinent to their report on thermal boilers and steam turbine control systems, and examined the connection between loads and fuel consumption within the Plant’s management and operation systems. Additionally, they learned about critical aspects of turbine protection, safety measures, and the control systems for pressure, temperature, and vibration.