In the light of the PUA field training plan set for the academic year 2019-2020, a number of students of the faculty of Languages and Translation received field training in Forsan International School. The PUA students showed a high level of proficiency and keenness during the training programme. The students’ proficiency was verified through performance indicators that were used types of performance measurement. The students’ proficiency was also stressed in the meeting when they were honoured in the meeting that was held on Tuesday, 3 March 2020 between Pharos University and Forsan School. Ms. Safaa Ahmed, the Deputy Head Teacher of Forsan School praised the exceptional standard of PUA students. Moreover, she highly commended the PUA Training Centre for the exerted efforts to provide training for the university students. It is worth mentioning that the coordination of the training programme was managed under the supervision of Prof. Prof. Ramadan Abu El-Ala, the Vice President of Community Service and Environment Development Affairs; Prof. Leyla Kamel, the Dean of the faculty of Languages and Translation and Ms. Rania Bassiouny, the Head of the Field Training Unit at the Faculty of Languages and Translation.