The Petrochemical Engineering Department, PUA’s Faculty of Engineering is preparing for the academic year 2022/2023. Therefore, the Department organized, under the supervision of the Department head, and auspices of the Faculty’s Student Activities Department, a reception and welcome party for the new students of the Department.


The Department head started the party with a speech in which he shed light on the significance of studies in the Department, and its relevance to the labor market. He also explained the magnitude of the recent development in the study system, with the participation of industry experts. Additionally, he mentioned the job opportunities available to graduates of the Department.


Furthermore, the event also highlighted how important small industrial projects are in the labor market, and how distinguished the graduates of the Petrochemical Engineering Department are for implementing many projects that serve the environment and industry. Thes project include polymers compounds, use of discarded materials, and discarded vegetable oils.


In addition, it tackled the projects related to serving industrial companies, which the Department is currently carrying out, namely, the Nile Sugar Company, Ezz Steel Company, Alex Form Company, and Sunshine Company.


In addition, it shed light on the method used by the Department in selecting graduation projects, research points for postgraduate studies, and how relevant they are to industry and environmental issue. At the end of the event, graduates shared their work experiences and the role of the Department in such experiences.