The Dean Meets with the Department Heads
Following up on the educational process, monitoring departmental developments, and preparing for the end-of-semester exams in fall 2023-2024, the dean of PUA’s Faculty of Engineering met with the department heads.
This meeting tackled the department heads’ technical and formal inspection of the exam paper. It also discussed the University Administration’s follow-up reports, and underscored the significance of training the new teaching assistants and subjecting them to practical exams before assigning them with any student-related tasks.
In addition, the meeting stressed the significance of scientific research at the Faculty level, and following up on the implemented Department’s scientific research plan. It is worth noting that this meeting comes within the framework of preparing for the Faculty’s re-accreditation in AY 2023-2024, finalizing academic schedules for the spring semester 2023-2024 for review and approval, and discussing the student research journal.