Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Organizes A Challenge Day

Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Organizes A Challenge Day On Tuesday, March 8th, 2022, the Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence organized a challenge day from 11 am to 2 pm on PUA’s playgrounds. The event was attended by many students, faculty members, and staff members. It gave the attendees a chance…

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Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management organized a set of sport contests

The faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management at Pharos university (P.U.A) organized a set of sport contests under patronage of administration of student activities and that on Monday 03/01/2022 at the university stadiums to introduce to the participants the importance of nutrition for healthy life and its importance in playing sports as a large number... Continue Reading

Sports Day

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology organized a Sports day in cooperation with Faculty of Legal Studies on Tuesday 14/12/2021 at the university stadiums with participation of large number of students from different grades and number of teaching staff committee and teaching assistants committee. Continue Reading

لأول مرة بالجامعات المصرية طلاب و طالبات جامعة فاروس يمارسون الرياضات الجوية والقفز بالمظلات

فى إطار الريادة و التميز و هو النهج الذى أعتادت عليه جامعة فاروس نظمت إدارة الأنشطة الطلابية يوما تدريبيا و تعريفيا بالرياضات الجوية و القفز بالمظلات و ذلك بالتنسيق مع الأتحاد المصرى للرياضات الجوية والقفز بالمظلات حيث استقبلت الجامعة بملاعبها يوم السبت الموافق 10/7/2021 وفدا كبيرا من الأتحاد  ضم عدد من المدربين و الخبراء برئاسه... Continue Reading

Sports Day

The Faculty of Arts and Design, in coordination with the Faculty of Physical Therapy organized a sports day on Tuesday, 10 March 2020. This was held at 12.30 pm at the university playgrounds. The opponent teams of the two faculties played several matches during the day in football, volleyball and basketball. On the sidelines of... Continue Reading