برنامج الهندسة الصناعية والتصنيع

 2023-2024 Power Campus

Mechanical Engineering – Second Year – Semester 3

Course code


Course title Credit hours


EB 103 Engineering Mathematics (3) 3 (2-2-1) EB 102
EB 113 Engineering Mechanics (3) 3 (3-1-0) EB 112
EM 203 Mechanical Drawing 2 (1-3-0) EB 142
EM 211 Mechanics of Materials 4(3-1-2) EB 111
EM 251 Fluid Mechanics (1) 3 (2-2-1) EB 111
EM 270 Engineering Materials 3 (2-2-1) EM 170
  Total semester credit hours 18

Mechanical Engineering – Second Year – Semester 4

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 EB 104 Linear Algebra 3 EB 102 2 1 2 5
2 EB 204 Engineering Mathematics (4) 3 EB 103 2 1 2 5
3 EM 212 Mechanics of Machinery 3 EB 113 2 1 1 4
4 EM 210 Computer Aided Mechanical Drawing 2 EM 203 1 3 1 5
5 EE 208 Fundamentals of Electrical for mech. engineering 3 EB 102, EB 122 2 1 2 5
6 EM 271 Manufacturing Processes (1) 3 EM 170 2 2 1 5
Total 17 29

Mechanical Engineering – Third Year – Semester 5

Course code


Course title Credit hours


EB 207 Numerical Analysis using MATLAB 4(3-1-2) EB 102
EM 213 Mechanical Design (1) 3(2-2-1) EM 211
EM 214 Mechanical Vibrations 3 (2-1-1) EM 212
EM 230 Thermodynamics (1) 3 (2-2-0) EB 121
EM 272 Manufacturing Processes (2) 3 (2-1-1) EM 170
EM 261 Eng. Economy & Cost Analysis 2(2-1-0) None
  Total semester credit hours 18  

Mechanical Engineering – Third Year – Semester 6

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 EB 209 Complex Variables 3 EB 204 3 0 1 4
2 EM 215 Mechanical Design (2) 3 EM 213 2 0 2 4
3 EM 221 Automatic Control 3 EM 214 2 1 2 5
4 EM 231 Heat Transfer (1) 3 EM 230 2 1 1 4
5 EM 252 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3 EM 251 2 1 2 5
6 UGE 02 English (2) 2 UGE 01 2 2 0 4
Total 17 26

Mechanical Engineering (IME) – Fourth Year – Semester 7

Course code


Course title Credit hours


EM 372 Metrology & Instrumentation 3 (2-0-3) EM 170
EM 370 Analysis of Metal Cutting Processes 3 (2-1-1) EM 272
EM 262 Operations Research 3 (2-2-0) None
EE 386 Electrical Machines Technology for Industrial Systems 4 (3-2-1) EE 208!!
HU 133!! Engineering Statistics 2 (2-1-0) None
UGE 03 English (3) 2 (2-0-2) UGE 02
  Total semester credit hours 17

Mechanical Engineering (IME) – Fourth Year – Semester 8

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 EE 219!! Electrical Measurements for Industrial Systems 3 EE 208!! 2 1 2 5
2 EM 327 Numerically Controlled Machines 3 EM 221 2 1 1 4
3 EM 360 Production Planning & Scheduling 3 None 2 0 2 4
4 EM 362 Quality Improvement for Industry 3 EM170 2 0 2 4
5 EM 373 Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes 3 EM 370 2 1 2 5
6 HU 113 Technical Report Writing and Presentation Skills 2 None 2 2 0 4
Total 17 25

Mechanical Engineering (IME) – Fifth Year – Semester 9

Course code


Course title Credit hours


EM 363 Human factors Engineering 3 (2-1-1) EM 360
EM 263 Introduction to Engineering Management 3 (2-2-0) None
EM 321 Robotics 3 (2-1-1) EM 221
EM 400-1 Graduation Project (1) 4 (3-0-3) None
EM 361 Facilities Design 3 (2-3-0) EM 360
EM 371 Manufacturing Process Machine Design 3 (2-2-0) EM 272
Total semester credit hours 19 Billing credits

15 Registration credits

Mechanical Engineering (IME) – Fifth Year – Semester 10

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 EM 374 Manufacturing Systems 3 EM 272 2 0 2 4
2 UCS02 Communication Skills 1 None 1 0 0 1
3 EM 364 Systems Simulation 3 EM 262 2 1 2 5
4 EM 366 Maintenance Planning & Management 3 EM 362 2 1 1 4
5 HU 135!! Sales, Marketing and Communication Techniques 2 None 2 0 1 3
6 UGA 03 Arabic language 2 None 2 0 0 2
7 EM 400-2 Graduation Project (2) 8 EM 400-1 3 3 0 6
Total credit hours 22

Total Billing hours 18