Total Cr. Hrs: 160

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 UGE 01 English (1) 2 2 0 0 Nil
2 EBS 201 Engineering Mathematics (3) 3 2 2 1 EBS 102
3 EME 111 Mechanical Drawing 2 1 0 2 EBS 141
4 EME 112 Mechanics of Materials 3 2 1 2 EBS 111
5 EME 231 Thermodynamics (1) 3 2 2 1 EBS 121
6 EME 182 Engineering Materials 3 2 2 1 EME 081
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EBS 301 Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis 3 2 2 1 EBS 201
2 EBS 302 Partial Differential Equations 3 2 2 0 EBS 201
3 EME 113 Computer-Aided Mechanical Drawing 2 1 0 2 EBS 111
4 ELE 208 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 3 2 2 1 EBS 122
5 UGE 02 English (2) 2 2 0 0 UGE 01
6 EME 183 Manufacturing Processes 3 2 1 2 EME 081
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EBS 207 Numerical Analysis 3 2 2 1 EBS 201
2 EME 214 Mechanical Design I 3 2 2 1 EME 112
3 EME 215 Mechanics of Machinery 3 2 1 2 EBS 112
4 EME 251 Fluid Mechanics (1) 3 2 2 1 EBS 121
5 UGE 03 English for special purpose 2 2 0 0 UGE 02
6 HUE 113 Technical Reports Writing 2 1 0 2 UGE 01
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 Stat. Elective in Statistics 3
2 EME 217 Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering 3 2 1 2 CPE 012
3 EME 216 Automatic Control 3 2 2 1 EBS 201
4 EME 232 Heat Transfer (1) 3 2 2 1 EME 231
5 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
6 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EME 317 Mechanical Vibrations 3 2 2 1 EME 215
2 EBS 304 Finite Element Method 3 2 2 1 EBS 302
3 U — University Elective Course 2 2 0 0 Nil
4 EME 341 Engineering Management 2 2 1 0 Nil
5 EME 333 Sustainability: Environmental, Green Eng. Systems 3 3 1 0 Nil
6 EME 353 Fluid Mechanics (2) 3 2 2 1 EME 251
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 ELE 369 Electrical Power for Mech. Engineers 3 2 2 0 ELE 208
2 EME 272 Introduction to Refrigeration 3 2 2 1 EME 231
3 EME 334 Thermodynamics (2) 3 2 2 1 EME 231
4 EME 373 Mechanical Measurements and Sensors 3 2 2 2 EBS 208
5 EME 318 Mechanical Design (2) 3 2 2 1 EME 214
6 UCS 02 Communication Skills (2) 1 1 0 0 UCS 01
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EME — Elective Course 3
2 EME 434 Internal Combustion Engines 3 2 2 1 EME 272
3 EME 271 Introduction to Mechatronics and Robotics 3 2 1 2 EME 215
4 EME 436 Heat Transfer (2) 3 2 2 0 EME 232
5 EME 490 Graduation Project (1) 4 3 0 3 Department Approval
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EME — Elective Course 3
2 EME — Elective Course 3
3 EME — Elective Course 3
4 EME — Elective Course 3
5 EME 491 Graduation Project (2) 4 3 0 3 EME 490
Total 16

Engineering Mechanics (1)

The force system, vector analysis, equilibrium of force systems for particles versus rigid bodies. Moments and couples, analysis of structures such as plane trusses and frames, distributed force systems, centroid and composite bodies, moments of inertia. Friction.

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Engineering Physics (1)

Units, and Dimensions; Properties and classification of matter; Stress, strain, elastic modulus and Hooke's law; Vibrations and wave Motion, sound waves and introductory acoustics; Conservation of Energy and basics of Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer by conduction, convection and radiation; Fluid Statics: pressure variation in fluid at rest and buoyancy; Fluids in motion: viscosity, shear and normal stresses, frictionless flow. Emphasis on relevant applications in engineering.

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Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry

Introduction, types of lines and lettering, drawing equipment and use of instruments, geometric constructions, the theory of projection, multi view representation, and deduction of the third view. Descriptive Geometry: Introduction, Mongean Projection: Representation of points, lines, planes. Representation of line intersection of two planes, Representation of point of intersection of a line and a plane, auxiliary planes, Intersection of curved surfaces.

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Engineering Mathematics (2)

Fundamental concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus of functions in several variables. Partial differentiation, the chain rule, extrema of multivariable functions. Vectors in two and three dimensions, dot and cross products of vectors, the gradient and directional derivative. Double integration in rectangular and polar coordinates with emphasis on engineering applications of multiple integrals.

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Engineering Mechanics (2)

kinematics of particles: curvilinear motion and relative motion. Kinematics of rigid bodies in plane motion: relative velocity and acceleration and rotating axes. Kinetics of particles: Newton's law, work and energy, impulse and momentum and impact. Kinetics of rigid bodies in plane motion: translation, fixed axis rotation, general motion, work and energy and impulse and momentum.

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Engineering Physics (2)

Fundamentals of electrostatics, magnetism and electromagnetism. Electric dc and ac circuits. Electromagnetic waves, perception of color, Light sources, Light in various mediums and Illumination. Light propagation and interaction with obstacles (lighting of buildings). Geometrical optics and optical fibers. Interference, diffraction and polarization with electromagnetic waves, X-ray diffraction. Production, transport and distribution of electric energy. Emphasis on relevant applications in engineering.

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Introduction to Production Technology

State-of-the-art that accompanied the current industrial revolutions and popular industries' activities. General classification of common engineering materials. Types, and nature of conventional, nonconventional manufacturing. Advanced processes and their common machinery and tooling. Basic measurement techniques and quality. Fundamentals of cost analysis. Practical workshop training.

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English (1)

The course covers the following main components; listening and speaking, reading, writing, grammatical accuracy and study skills. Upon the completion of the course student should be able to demonstrate capability to achieve the following; select and use relevant information to introduce self and others, use clear, logical and fairly accurate grammatical language in everyday situations arising at college during lectures, interpret information presented in charts, graphs and tables, demonstrate ability to understand form and functions of headings and sub-headings, demonstrate ability to write a brief summary of main points, organize notes into headings and sub-headings, demonstrate control of the 5 basic tenses: simple present, past, future, present and past progressive and form of basic pronouns and read and interpret graphs, tables and charts

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English (2)

The course elaborates on the following main components; listening and speaking, reading, writing, grammatical accuracy and study skills. Upon the completion of the course student should be able to demonstrate the capability to achieve the following: identify and explain main points of lecture to others, identify specific detail and complete information on a chart /graph/diagram, report subject and main ideas heard in a talk /lecture, guess meaning of words from context using linguistic and content knowledge, write sections of a research report following a given model: introduction, process, findings, conclusions and recommendations, recognize and use different forms of nouns and make use of information in reference books e.g. encyclopedias, atlases, etc.

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Engineering Mathematics (3)

Fourier series of periodic functions. Ordinary differential equations of first order ordinary differential separable, homogeneous, linear and Bernoulli types. Exact first order ODE. Solution of homogenous and nonhomogeneous second order ordinary differential equations using indeterminate coefficients and variation of parameters. The Laplace transform and its application to solution of ordinary differential equations. Functions of several variables, partial differentiation and applications. Calculus of functions of several variables. Introduction to Vectors and vectors analysis.

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Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis

Determinants and matrices, algebra of matrices, elementary row operations, the rank of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, solution of systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, orthogonal matrices, diagonalization, and linear transformation. Complex numbers and their representations, algebra of complex numbers. Analytic functions and their derivatives, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, transcendental functions of complex variables. Integration of functions of complex variables, related theorems, and contour integration. Conformal mapping.

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